Monday, January 11, 2010

POSYANDU Fasilitas Kesehatan Murah Untuk Bayi Indonesia

Bicara tentang kesehatan anak balita mungkin bagi sebagian masyarakat Indonesia sesuatu hal yang sangat mahal. Lha wong buat makan saja susah apalagi ngurusin kesehatan dan . Bisa makan untuk sehari-hari saja sudah Alhamdulillah, itulah potret kehidupan masyarakat kita terutama masyarakat di pedesaan dan daerah terpencil. Hadirnya program POSYANDU memang merupakan jawaban bagi mereka yang kesusahan dalam masalah ini. Siapa tak kenal POSYANDU yang singkatan dari POS PELAYANAN TERPADU. Apa yang kamu bayangkan jika mendengar kata POSYANDU. Mungkin masih ada ingat waktu kecil kita dulu ibunda kita menggendong kita ke balai desa atau aula atau PUSKESMAS setiap bulan sambil membawa KARTU MENUJU SEHAT, lalu sang Bidan desa menimbang kita dengan timbangan (daging) didalam sarung. Lalu pada saat pulang kita biasanya diberi telur rebus dan susu.

POSYANDU memang program pemerintah yang sudah berjalan sejak lama dan sampai sekarang masih dipertahankan. Program ini memang di fokuskan untuk masalah kesehatan BALITA. Mungkin masih ada yang ingat sebuah iklan PSA yang liriknya:



Kurang lebih liriknya seperti itu. POSYANDU memang diakui merupakan fasilitas kesehatan murah, karena kita bisa memeriksakan kesehatan baby kita secara cuma-cuma. Gak hanya itu POSYANDU juga memberikan IMUNISASI Gratis kepada masyarakat, walaupun imunisai yang diberikan adalah imunisasi dasar antara lain: BCG, DPT, POLIO dll.

Sunday, December 27, 2009

Making A Wonderful Christening Gift For Baby Girl

Author: Gene B. Pineda

The moment of christening for a new born baby is considered as great event and occasion for the family of the child sharing the same religious perspective regarding the importance and benefits of the said sacrament. Because of this, the family of the child goes into effort of organizing the event and making the occasion a memorable experience through approaches of establishing a gathering, a party, and making memories out of the significance of the event. For the sharing families and their friends who want to partake and share in the joys and memories of the event, their presence and interest are generally manifested through their gift.

In the interest of baby christening gift giving, there are actually effective ways to make your gift more appealing and acceptable for the recipient and the family involved. In this aspect, it is important to consider the several factors that are directly relevant to the nature and concern of the event such as gender appropriateness. Generally, it is necessary to make your gift appropriate for the child recipient namely when a girl, it is for a girl and vice versa for the boys. For the girl nature in particular, there are actually many appropriate ideas for this interest to suit this interest making your bay christening gift for baby girl more acceptable and appropriate.

Ideas for Baby Girl Recipient

Making your Christening gift suitable according to the gender of the recipient is important. Accordingly, this make your gift favor more focus on the recipient making it more acceptable for the child in later years and for the family in the occasion. For baby girls in particular, making a christening gift for baby girl is actually easy because of the numerous ideas present in this interest.

For christening gifts for baby girl, one can primarily consider a simple memory token that is applicable for girls such as a souvenir decoration with a few engraving and floral design making it feminine sensitive in nature. This can be thrown in baby christening gift basket for baby with flower decorations for a touch of presentation. In addition, the design of the gift item can also be enhanced making more suitable for a christening gift for a baby girl such as having it in pink or resorting to more of a feminine accessories or a dress perhaps. These items are commonly used by girls and that they announce that the recipient is a girl.

Making your present more suitable in terms of gender is another way to enhance the sentimental significance of your present. Giving a christening gift for baby girl makes your present more acceptable, unique, and personalized for the recipient treasuring within it the event of her christening occasion.

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Article Source: - Making A Wonderful Christening Gift For Baby Girl